Breville BJB815BSS Bluicer Pro Blender & Juicer [Review]


Breville has a new kitchen innovation appliance called the “Bluicer”. But what is bluicing, if you might ask? According to Breville, to bluice is to blend and then juice. Besides having a funky name, the Breville 3X Bluicer Pro has plenty of mouth-watering reviews online.

Combining state-of-the-art blender and juicer technologies, this new kitchen appliance saves space by allowing you to juice and blend or both using the same base. Besides, he bluicer features the pulp bin in the back to save on more countertop space. It’s the perfect device for keeping things clean.

It can be a great appliance if you like to have green smoothies filled with fruits and veggies in a hot summer day. You can add your favorite ingredients such as apple, celery, carrots and ginger straight into the blender bowl to get the extra goodness.

Breville BJB815BSS 3X Bluicer Pro Set

Read on this Breville 3X Bluicer Pro review to learn its features.

Wide chute

The Breville 3X Bluicer Pro features a 1.5l blending jug and a juicer attachment with an extra-wide 3.5-inch chute. There’s no need to precut whole fruits and veggies such as apples, carrots, celery stalks. Just throw them inside and blend everything together. If a veggie or piece of fruit is stuck while making its way down, just use the food pusher to guide the ingredients down the chute.

Five one-touch programs

Despite being one of the latest kitchen appliances in the market, the machine is quite straightforward to use, featuring large buttons and a speed dial with 10 settings. Besides, it features an electronic control pad that offers five one-touch settings for green smoothies, smoothies, frozen fresh cocktails, crushed/pulsed ice and a cleaning function for easy cleaning. Breville designed this appliance so that you have to put the safety arm into place for the machine to run.


Use one base to blend, juice or bluice, with the help of a pulp bin that’s located behind the base to maximize the space. This makes the 3X Bluicer Pro suitable for those with limited countertop space. The machine can also be used for some food processing tasks such as chopping, crushing and turning ice into snow. It can also be helpful when making soups.

Cold Extraction System

Breville’s cold spin technology refers to the cutting disc design that increases fruit temperature by no more than 1.80F. The technology involves covering the stainless steel disc with a unique mesh filter that allows juice to flow up. This improves juice quality so that you can enjoy smoother textures.

Compatible with the Vac Q

The Vac Q vacuum pump helps to remove air from the jug to ensure brighter colors and smoother textures. Although you have to buy it separately, it’s a great way to improve the juice quality when using the Breville Bluicer.

Breville BJB815BSS 3X Bluicer Pro In Kitchen


  • It’s highly versatile and innovative
  • Has a space-saving design
  • Easy to use controls
  • Has a wide mouth
  • Excellent performance


  • The juice is a bit frothy, but overall good quality

No need to choose between a juicer and a blender or buy both. The Breville’s 3X Bluicer Pro can juice and blend within the same appliance and performs just as well or better than individual ones. Besides, it has a breakthrough space-saving design with detachable parts for convenience. The wide mouth saves time for cleaning and preparing ingredients.

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