Breville the Super Q Blender [Review]


Breville is one of the most established brands when it comes to household appliances such as blenders. If you are looking for an affordable blender, the Breville Super Q ticks all the right boxes for best blenders in the market. This machine is ultra-powerful to smash hard ingredients, yet super quiet in its operation.

Unwrapping this product from the box, the design is unique with dimensions of 8-1/4″ L x 10-1/2″ W x 18″ H that should fit in most kitchens. The machine weighs about 22lbs to enhance stability. This is suitable for those who need a blender to execute the job while adding a touch of a modern look to the kitchen.

Features That Make Breville Super Q Blender Stand Out

Powerful motor
With its motor rating 1800-Watt and hitting 186 mph speed mark, this machine can perform all kinds of tasks. It can mill grains, grind species, chop raw veggies, mix up the thick dough and crush nuts into creamy butter ready for you to enjoy.

Noise Suppression Technology
Using a noisy blender can be very annoying to those sleeping around. With a high powered blender such as the Super Q, it can be a bother to your neighbors and other people in the house. However, you don’t have to worry since this product is super quiet as the name suggests. The technology making it reduces the noise level to avoid disturbing the peaceful ambiance of your surroundings.

5 one-touch programs
Do you like making smoothies immediately you wake up? Well, this program allows you to make your favorite combo such as yogurt and fruit shake with a single touch. This machine will enable you to make your favorite brew without having to be fully awake.

12 variable speeds
In addition to the five preset programs, the speed control dial allows you to operate this machine up to 12 speeds manually. This is a helpful guide to enable you to make a beverage of your choice without any compromise.

Large capacity Jug
With a 68-once capacity jug, the Super Q can hold up to 8 ½ cups of your nutritious liquid meal. This makes it an ideal choice to serve a couple of friends. Besides, if you only want to make your shake, this blender comes with a single-serve blending cup that helps in making a high-quality drink in only 30 seconds.

Easy to clean
With polyester material for the jug and the stainless steel blades at its base, this product is easy to clean. To eliminate most of the ingredients residues, you only need to press the clean button and empty the appliance. For thorough cleaning, you can wipe with a clean piece of cloth or let the dishwasher do the work.


  • It’s powerful and super-quick to grind fruits and nuts
  • Offers a super-quiet operation
  • Simple to use
  • Easy to clean


  • It is relatively expensive

If you are willing to spend a few more bucks on a robust and quiet blender, you can never go wrong with the Breville’s Super Q. The 10-year limited warranty is an indication of quality as the brand promises to cover all material defects within the period. It’s a must-have.

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