Breville BES500BSS Bambino Plus Espresso Machine [Review]


Brewing a decent espresso requires more precision than drip coffee. Breville seems to have cracked the code to the best home espresso with its recent Bambino Plus espresso machine. This coffee machine has proven to be capable of pulling amazing and consistent shots. It’s one of the most compacts with dimensions of 11.8 x 7.7 wide x 12.6 inches, so it should fit in smaller kitchens.

Apart from being the narrowest machine, Breville has ever made, it also has the fastest heat-up time from the brand at 3 seconds. Keep in mind that although the espresso machine is small, it does not come with a grinder, dossing tool, or scale. If you already own these, it’s is easily the best espresso machine for the money.

Milk Texturizing

The Breville Bambino Plus features an automatic steam wand to turn silky milk into microfilm, perfect for latte art. The steam wand allows you to control milk temperature and decide the foaminess you want. There are three milk temperature settings, including warm, ideal, and hot. It also features options for texture so that you can control the mouthfeel.

The wand also comes with an automatic cleaning rinsing when you press it back downwards. This clears any residual inside for easy cleanup and helps to maintain the milk taste. As for the exterior, you could use a damp cloth to remove any dried milk.


This espresso machine also features an impressive 54mm porta-filter and a 19-gram dose that keeps it ahead of its competition. The Bambino Plus comes with a pre-infusion system that increases the water pressure to extract even grounds. This allows you to get a full dose of the flavor for a saturated espresso.

However, the infuser wand is entirely manual, so you need to practice how you like the texture and how to monitor the thermometer. The Bambino has a digital temperature controller that ensures water stays at the required temperature range. Besides, there is a 15 bar Italian pump that works with the digital temperature control to ensure precise heat levels.

Ease of use

The Breville Bambino Plus is one of the easiest to use coffee brewers to have. The adjustments are the simplest, and the manual guides you with everything. You just have five buttons to figure out, and two of them allow you to select one or double shot. The others include a start button for the steam wand, control for milk temperature, and the level of foaminess for your milk.


For large families, this is the best coffee maker with a large 65 oz. water tank. The removable water reservoir is easy to fill and keep blending delicious coffee. The Bambino Plus also comes with a 16 oz milk jug, a 54 mm Tamper, and a cleaning tool.


  • Comes at an affordable price
  • It’s easy to use with fewer skills
  • It’s compact for small spaces


  • It lacks an in-built grinder, dossing tool or scale

The Breville Bambino is a great espresso machine that we would recommend if you have other pieces of coffee gear such as grinder and scale. Yes, it’s affordable than most other choices and can add value to your kitchen interior. It’s also a great choice if for latter art enthusiasts who have minimal space for expansion.

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