De Buyer Adjustable Pastry Frame [Review]


An adjustable pastry frame allows you to adjust the size and shape of your cakes. The advantage of adjustable frames is they adapt to the amount of dough and shape of the cake. Most cooks acquire this to keep the shape of the pies and cakes without collapsing at the edges.

If you’re in the market for a pastry frame to prepare your cream-based cakes or mousse, you should consider this one from De Buyer Store. It’s easy to clean and can cater to different cakes and cake layers. Besides, the frame features a sturdy built that should last for years.

Read this De Buyer Adjustable Pastry Frame review to know its benefits.

Sturdy build

These spring stainless steel frames are sturdy and flexible for easy mold release. It should last long owing to the stainless steel build that should last. Besides, the frame rarely leaks when the dough is thick enough and it doesn’t oxidize when exposed to low temperatures. It’s suitable for electric, hot air, gas oven. However, the sturdy build makes it somehow clunky, and the cost is high as well.

Adjustable size

The size of the stainless steel frame used can be adjusted to a square or rectangular shape as needed. Users appreciate that the frame comes with sharp angles ideal for making sponge cakes, cream desserts, Jaconde biscuits and cheesecakes etc. You can adjust from 8.5″ x 4.5″ 3″ to 15.75″ x 8.25″. Using the frame is easy because you extend it to your ideal size, insert the metal belts.

Easy to clean

Want to clean the frame? It’s easy. The frame is designed to detach, so you can simply take it apart to clean. Besides, it’s dishwasher safe, so you can just pop the frame into the dishwasher when you don’t feel like hand washing.

Reputable brand

De Buyer is a well-known French brand that has been manufacturing cookware and kitchen accessories for more than 180 years. Their products are created with the user in mind and have been adapted for the home chef’s needs. The brand’s unwavering pursuit of excellence and heritage has made them among the best brands for kitchen appliances.

Highly compatible

This frame is ideal for use in the freezer, blast chiller, deep freezer, refrigerator, and oven. However, the manufacturer says the frames are not to be used with liquid preparations.


  • It features a sturdy stainless steel build
  • It’s easy to use thanks to a fluid mechanism that’s easy to adjust
  • No oxidation under low temperatures
  • It’s dishwasher safe
  • Has minimum leakage from frames


  • It’s a little heavy

If you’re in the market for a sturdy frame that can fold down, don’t look elsewhere. The De Buyer pastry frame features a sturdy stainless steel build and can be adjusted for every home cook’s needs. In addition, it’s easy to clean because the frames can be taken down. If the price is not an issue for you, it should last for many years to come.

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