Breville BOV450XL Mini Smart Oven with Element IQ [Review]


Breville BOV450XL Mini Smart Oven with Element IQ is an ideal oven for anyone who would like to have an oven that does not occupy a lot of space but offers high functionality. Among the main features of this mini-oven include that it has eight different cooking functions. These functions are bagel, roast, pizza, reheat, cookies, toast, bake and broil. The importance of these functions is that they give the users freedom to adjust the oven according to what is being prepared.


The fact that this oven has a smart element IQ means that the element IQ of the oven can intelligently transfer heat across four quarts elements. This allows stable and uniform heat which is able to produce perfect results. While using this oven for pastry or any other use you will be able to get faster results. This is because comes with 1800 watt elements which produces ample amounts of heat.

Even though this oven is regarded as mini it has the capacity to fit four slices of cookies, 11 inches pizzas, toast and tuna melts which are not so mini. The importance of this is that you get more freedom to prepare what you want in a convenient manner. Using and controlling this mini-oven is simple because it comes with an easy to read LCD which is backlit. The LCD usually illuminates orange while cooking and preheating. Once the cycle has been successfully completed the LCD illuminates blue. So while baking your cake you will be able to time the oven and tell when the cake is ready.

The mini-oven has three rack positions and a crumb tray which can be easily pulled out. This is helpful for it helps in using the oven easily and keeping it clean. It also has an interior which is non-stick to provide more convenient use. This allows you to make your desserts and cook different things without worrying that they will stick on the oven. It has a compact design where its housing is coated with steel to provide it with durability and elegance. When it comes to power the mini-oven shuts itself off depending on the time set.


  • Eight different functions which provides more options

  • Compact design and an ideal size for a kitchen that might not have a lot of space

  • A smart element IQ which allows heat to be spread properly and faster

  • Backlit LCD display which allows easier and more convenient control


  • Relatively small for a huge family or a huge gathering

  • Doing repairs and finding spare parts is relatively hard

  • Too many control options can become confusing

It is evident that this mini smart oven from Breville has superior features which make it standout. The fact that you can use it in different ways means that you do not have to buy many kitchen appliances. You also get to control the various features of the mini-oven to ensure it produces perfect results. The LCD display gives you the ability to monitor how the cooking or making of desserts is going on. The fact that it is smart means that it does most of the work and it controls the various aspects to ensure you get exactly what you want. Therefore, even if it has a few issues, this mini smart oven is ideal for anyone who loves cooking or making desserts.

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